Saturday, March 15, 2008

John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

John Locke was a thinker as he spent most of his time pondering.
„ŒClear and distant ideas‚ are terms which, though familiar and frequent in men‚s mouths, I have reason to think everyone who uses does not perfectly understand.‰ Locke explains the idea of Œclear and distant ideas‚ through the classification of Œdeterminate‚ and Œdetermined‚. ŒDeterminate‚ being straightforward perspectives and Œdetermined‚ being intricate ideas. In the final passage of his writing I think he instates that complicated ideas thought of by men are simple ideas made complicated through inquiries Locke states, „If men had such determined ideas in their inquiries and discourses, they would both discern how far their own inquiries and discourses went, and avoid the greatest part of the disputes and wranglings they have with other.‰

- Donald Ung

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post is confusing x(